Meet Mike Cooper

Mike is a husband, father, and grandfather, a decorated firefighter and respected former legislator, a community volunteer and advocate for our families and neighborhoods; Mike Cooper is the one of us.

Mike has a long record of service and leadership, fighting for policies that serve us, not special interests.  Mike Cooper can be counted on to fight for our priorities like transportation, open space and parks and safe neighborhoods.  Elect Mike Cooper to serve Elma.

As a legislator Mike worked to secure state funding for parks.  During his time as a legislator, council member, and Mayor, Mike has fought tirelessly to support recreational opportunities for families and seniors.

Mike will continue that fight in Elma focusing on sustainable revenue, a viable business community, safe sidewalks and streets, parks for everyone regardless of age or ability.

As former local elected official Mike fought for budgets that saved jobs and protected our quality of life.